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Volunteering in the Community with Acupuncture

Dr Samantha Law

In celebration of national volunteer week, I want to recognise the organisations I work with, the people I collaborate and work with and the clients I’m able to help.

VincentCare Victoria

VincentCare is a wonderful and inclusive organisation that advocates for disadvantaged Victorians by creating opportunities for those at risk, marginalised or homeless to empower clients to develop strong, supported pathways to stable accommodation and independent living within their communities of choice.

This is our amazing VincentCare acupuncture team! We provide community acupuncture to the clients, staff and the public every Tuesday morning.

If you know anyone that is looking for support from the list below, there are many wonderful staff at VincentCare that can guide you in a positive direction.

Support Services:

  • LGBTIQ Support

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Support

  • Crisis Support

  • Housing and Homelessness

  • Disability Support

  • Drug and Alcohol

  • Seniors Support

  • Youth Support

  • Family and Domestic Violence

  • Financial Hardship

Go to: au for more information.

Windana Health & Healing

Windana is a non-profit organisation centred around holistic care for clients undergoing alcohol and drug rehabilitation. The acupuncturists play a small role in the program where clients are able to receive complimentary treatments to aid with their emotional wellbeing, withdrawal symptoms, pain and more. I have been with Windana for just over a year and have treated many clients with different presentations associated with individual drugs types and alcohol. We also utilise acupuncture and auricular techniques to calm the mind which plays an important role in treating the underlying root of the addiction.

For more information on drug and alcohol withdrawal programs and support, go to

My Volunteer Tuesdays

Every Tuesday fortnight, I have been volunteering in the morning with Vincentcare at Ozanam House and at night with Windana Health and Healing in St Kilda. In both centres, we have the opportunity to treat clients, staff and the public using acupuncture, ear pellets and cupping to help with relieving pain, stress, emotional imbalances and other health conditions.

It's been an amazing opportunity to meet a wide variety of people, listen to all sorts of stories behind the addictions, abuse and the mental health issues, and most importantly play a small part in a big positive change. It has been such a humbling experience to give back to communities who are so grateful for your time and effort which makes doing what I do such a beautiful experience.

If you are interested in understanding how acupuncture or Chinese medicine can help with addictions, stress, emotional imbalance, pain etc., feel free to send a message through the website or call 0435 526 178 to discuss how these modalities may benefit you.


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